The treatment of tumors of the distal rectum continues to be a matter of great controversy among oncologic surgeons. There are increasingly promising indications that functionally conservative surgery may be a valid therapeutic alternative to conventional therapy in patients with tumours of the lower rectum, traditionally treated by abdomino-perineal resection and definitive colostomy. Many points are presently under evaluation and we want to discuss some of the most relevant topics that are now permitting to change the guide lines of therapy of this disease. Our view of the problem is based on a personal experience cumulated in fourteen years of activity in a specialized unit and this paper reports the main results of a complex and diversified study carried out during this period at the National Cancer Institute of Milan.
Surg Oncol. 2004 Aug-Nov;13(2-3):103-9.
Sphincter-saving surgery for low rectal cancer. The experience of the National Cancer Institute, Milano.
Leo E, Belli F, Andreola S, Gallino G, Bonfanti G, Vitellaro M, Bruce C, Vannelli A, Battaglia L.
Colo-rectal Cancer Surgery Unit, Department of Surgery, National Cancer Institute, Via G. Venezian 1, 20133 Milan, Italy.